Home » Clean Automotive (Page 3)
‘Fuel’ to the Fire of Oil Addiction
Fuel is a vital, superbly assembled documentary that presents an insightful overview of America’s troubled relationship with oil and how alternative and sustainable energies can reduce our country’s—and the world’s—addictive dependence on fossil fuels. Source: Los Angeles Times Review Friday, February 13 by Gary Goldstein “Fuel.” Visit Fuel Website
Biodiesel—the Clean, Green Fuel for Diesel Engines
Biodiesel is natural, renewable resources such as vegetable oils and recycled restaurant greases can be chemically transformed into clean-burning biodiesel fuels. As its name implies, biodiesel is like petroleum diesel fuel except that it is agriculturally produced. It’s also safe for the environment, biodegradable, and produces significantly less air pollution than diesel fuel. It even smells better than diesel fuel-it smells like french fries, donuts, or barbecue. Biodiesel blended with petroleum, such as B20 fuel (20% bidiesel/80% petroleum diesel) commonly […]
FCV Hydrogen Powered Fuel Cell Vehicles
{flv}h2genintro{/flv} Sandy Thomas President of H2Gen Innovations concludes based upon an exhaustive computer simulation comparing the societal attributes (GHG emissions, oil consumption and urban air pollution) of a wide variety of alternative fuel/vehicle combinations, such as hybrids, plug-in hybrids, biofuels, fuel cell vehicles that you need biofuels, hybrids and plug-ins to begin making cuts, but those options alone will not achieve an 80% reduction from 1990 levels. To achieve an 80% reduction and to achieve oil “quasi-independence,” we must have […]