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Google Hamina Finland Green Data Center
Find out about Google’s newest data center currently under construction in Hamina, Finland. The new data center will feature an innovative sea water cooling system. Google is reducing their carbon footprint by 50% by developing custom-designed servers and data centers that better gauge power use and use more efficient cooling technologies. Via: Google Green
2011 REW Excellence Awards: Projects of the Year
In this video, Renewable Energy World presents the winners of the 2011 Excellence in Renewable Energy Project of the Year Awards. Via:
Hydrogen Hybrid – Eco Rally 2010
This article features a retro-fitted Ford Focus, Quentin Wilson and Lisa Rogers! This year’s EcoRally had some wonderful sports cars, flashing around…. and costing a fortune! BUT, crucially this film features a standard family car that’s had a Hydrogen system added. It’s a straight forward dual-fuel conversion. This suddenly makes so much more sense than worrying about battery life, mining Lithium and Cadmium and battery disposal. Hydrogen’s only emission is water! ITM power, who converted this car, are backing Hydrogen […]